Saturday, December 6, 2008

Wanted: Your reactions to this blog!

You have to be pretty sharp-eyed to see it, but if you look at the bottom of each posting on this blog, you'll see that you now have a chance to let me know your reaction to it, instantly!

Did I get a hit? Is it a foul ball? Give it a click and let me know. It's faster and easier than writing a full comment, but I welcome those too, of course.

And while you're at it, don't forget to hit the "Follow This Blog" link at right, if you haven't already. You'll join my followers. You'll be able to see when I've added something new without having to check back constantly. You can follow anonymously, if you want but, if you are a blogger yourself, this is your chance to let my readers know who you are and what you are up to.

Play ball!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Very impressive blog! I hope you find some other Chicago Cubs fans. Me, I'm a Buffalo Bill fan. (No, not *the* Buffalo Bills. There's a big difference ;-))



Comments welcome!